#! /bin/bash # reborg.sh # A script for migrating borg repos # for example from clear repo to encrypted repo # by Djan GICQUEL # Licence : CC SA-NC repo1="" repo2="" txtfile="" #----------------------------------------------------------- if [ "$repo1" = "" ];then echo "repo1 is empty";exit fi if [ "$repo2" = "" ];then echo "repo2 is empty";exit fi if [ ! -f "config" "$repo1" ]; then echo "unable to find borgbackup repo config file.";sleep 3;exit fi if [ ! -d "data" "$repo1" ]; then echo "unable to find borgbackup data folder.";sleep 3;exit fi if [ ! -f "config" "$repo2" ]; then echo "unable to find borgbackup repo config file.";sleep 3;exit fi if [ ! -d "data" "$repo2" ]; then echo "unable to find borgbackup data folder.";sleep 3;exit fi echo "$repo1" echo "will be imported in" echo "$repo2" echo "" read -p "OK ?" CONTINUE if [ -f reborg_repo1.txt ];then echo "File exist, resuming." else echo "$(borg list --format='{archive} {time:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S}{LF}' $repo1)" > $txtfile echo "archive list genereted" read -p "Continue ?" CONTINUE fi cat reborg_repo1.txt | while read A T;do echo "Importing $A..." borg export-tar $repo1::$A - | borg import-tar --timestamp=$T $repo2::$A - echo "Archive $A imported." echo "" tail -n +2 "$txtfile" > "$txtfile.tmp" && mv "$txtfile.tmp" "$txtfile" done echo "Deleting $txtfile" rm reborg_repo1.txt echo "" echo "End of the script."